Pagination with Filtering using AngularJS

17. September 2015 AngularJS 10
In the previous post we take a look at how to enable pagination on a web page using AngularUI. Things gonna be different when have filters applied on your ng-repeat. The pagination would not update itself as the filter applied. What you need to do is add a watch the textbox which the filtration is ...

Pagination using AngularJS

11. September 2015 AngularJS 5
AngularUI pagination directive can be used to easily enable paging on your web page. In this tutorial we will learn how to do that. Demo Pre-requisites You need to download the following scripts and add a script reference in your web page. AngularJs CDN: AngularUI Optional (to have some style) Bootstrap ...

An Introduction to Scrum

07. July 2015 Scrum 0
Definition Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. Scrum employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk. Scrum helps organizing teams and get work done more productively with higher quality. Scrum is about the interactions and ...

How to Redirect WCF SOAP Services using WCF Routing Service

09. June 2015 Tutorial, WCF 0
There are scenarios where you want to forward calls to a service to another service based on its contents, the action invoked, the address, or etc. For more info on WCF Routing Service you can refer to the following links: This example demonstrates how you can forward all calls coming to, let’s ...

WF Tutorial, Part 3: Create and host Workflow services

16. February 2015 Workflow Foundation 11
This tutorial is the third part of Dispatcher Timer Windows Workflow Foundation tutorial series. << Create a simple Workflow This tutorial demonstrates how to create a simple Workflow Service and host it in a Web Application. This sample is using Visual Studio 2013 with .NET 4.5.1. The example simply gets a value as the service ...

How to generate scripts automatically in SQL Server

20. December 2013 SQL Server 0
In this article I’m going to explain how you can generate CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) statements and other queries such as create database, tables, and etc. automatically using SQL Server Management Studio. There are different ways to achieves these. Imagine we have a simple table called Students as below.   Generate CRUD queries  ...