Handling optional values is a common task in software development, and it often involves dealing with null references or exceptions. To provide a more elegant and functional approach to handling optional values, the LanguageExt library for C# offers the Option type. In this blog post, we will explore how to use Option and its various ...
Overview In the previous post, I’ve talked about the Firestore fundamentals. In post we’ll learn how to set up a simple .net project and try to read and write from/to Firestore. I will use VS Code on mac using .net core 7. You can still follow up if you are using Rider or Visual Studio ...
What is Firestore? Firestore is a horizontally scaling NoSQL document cloud database provided by Google as part of Firebase (Firebase Realtime Database is another database offering by Firebase). Firestore keeps the data in sync across client applications through realtime listeners and offers offline support for mobile and web. Watch this great intro video: Note that ...
This is the second part of Web API Series. In the first part, we’ve learnt how to create a RESTful API with Web API. In this tutorial, we gonna learn how we can enhance the code and provides more flexibility and simplicity to the code. Overview The following code snippet is the implementation of our ...
Introduction Web API is a framework where you can create Web Services transmitting data over HTTP. In these series of tutorials, we are going to see how to create simple RESTful service with Web API and test it with Postman. Web API service operations are accessible via a URL like any other URL which we ...
PowerShell 5 comes with a new capability to define classes in the same way we define in C#. In this tutorial we are going to see how to define a simple class with constructor, properties, and methods. Please check the Windows PoweShell Tutorial to learn the PowerShell basics. Development Tool In this tutorial I am ...
This is the 4th part of OpenXML Spreadsheet Tutorial Series: Part 1: Basic Part 2: Export a Collection to Spreadsheet Part 3: Add Stylesheet to the Spreadsheet Part 4: Draw chart on Spreadsheet Introduction We can easily draw any type of charts in an Excel sheet using OpenXML. The only thing you need to know ...
In OpenXML Spreadsheet tutorial series you have learned how to create Excel file in .NET with C#. There might be cases when you get an error upon opening the generated excel file: <We found a problem with some content in ‘Report.xlxs’. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If ...
Overview This is the 3rd part of OpenXML Spreadsheet Tutorial Series: Part 1: Basic Part 2: Export a Collection to Spreadsheet Part 3: Add Stylesheet to the Spreadsheet Part 4: Draw chart on Spreadsheet In this tutorial we are going work with our sample in the Part 2, and we are going to add style ...